Putting the face to some of the names in the pedigree (we obviously can't include all!)

Ambar was our first breeding female. Winning many class in groups, best of breeds and reserve in group awards, Ambar was the epitome of style. She produced 3 litters - "Gone with the Wind", "Outback" and "Western". Progeny of note are: Ch Mafimafi Miss Melly - dam to number of Quintessa litters, Ch. Mafimafi Kynunna - dam to some Daneforce litters, Ch. Mafimafi Diamond Lil - dam to the first Danedaze litter, Mafimafi Bonnie Blue - NSW Dane Puppy of the Year 2001, 2 males also became Australian Champions - Mafimafi Boyd and Mafimafi Dixie Cavalier. and finally, Mafimafi Davy Crockett who was sire to a later Mafimafi litter.

Remy - Our first UK import
Remy was imported in 2009, after much searching and many false starts, to maintain the substance in our lines. She was chosen for her pedigree, which includes a number of the European/English Danes that are further back in the pedigrees of our Australian Danes.
Remy did well, earning her Australian Champion status at just 14 months. She was not tall, but was very well muscled, with a good head, spring of rib, strong topline and nice flare of the hindquarters. Remy forms the basis of our current breeding lines. Although we still keep a connection to the Ambar lines too!
Remy had 4 litters: "Beer" sired by Mafimafi Ger Gneasach, "Blue" sired by Mafimafi Tis Karma, "Welsh" sired by Vandown Herr Wolfgang, and "Remember" sired by Hidalglo Thorsson Titan. All stunning pups. The Beer Litter produced Mafimafi Cascade who is dam to 3 of our litters, and Mafimafi Budweiser who sired a number of Quintessa litters. The Welsh litter produced Mafimafi Cadwaladr Fendigaid who is sire to a number of litters. The Remember Litter produced Mafimafi Something to Remember, taken to Australian Champion by Gary and Linda from Barghest Danes and dam to some lovely Barghest pups.

Maha's grandmother is Mafimafi Miss Melly, so she is Ambar's great granddaughter. Maha had 3 litters, "Gaelic", "Kismet" and "Cyclone". The Gaelic litter was sired by Mafimafi Davy Crockett (Ambar's son) so we doubled up on the strength of Ambar's lineage. From the Gaelic Litter. Mafimafi Ger Gneasach sired a future litter, and Mafimafi Tis Karma from the Kismet Litter sired two.
From Maha, we had our first pup go to an overseas home... she was the first of many.

Spirit was a lovely solid black male. He sired the Gaelic Litter and was the most loyal, loving Dane. He lived to the ripe old age of 13 and loved nothing more than running beside his teenage owner while she was running or riding her bike  training for competition.

"Samsen was another gorgeous black. He sired the Beer Litter with our 1st Welsh girl, Remy, producing Mafimafi Budweiser and Mafimafi Cascade as well as eight other stunning pups.

"Cassy loved the show ring and enjoyed evry minute she had on the road to earning her Title. She was very friendly and outgoing and loved to play. Cassy produced two litters: the Tongan Litter with Ch. Mafimafi Tis Karma and the Mama Cass Litter with Ch. Hidalglo Incredible Blade.

Jagga's father is Mafimafi Budweiser and she has a Mafimafi grandparent on both sides .Â
In her first show, Jagga received Best Baby Puppy in Group and a 3rd in the Baby Puppy Sweepstakes. A year later, at 15 months, Jagga cleaned up at the Easter show weekend here in Townsville, earning her Class in Group on each of the three days. The judges particularly liked how she was put together and her movement. Just after this she received her Australian Champion title.
Jagga had her first litter in October 2015. Mated to Mafimafi I Got a Feelin, she had seven pups. Her second litter in September 2016 was eight pups. The sire was Vandown Herr Wolfgang. Her last mating used stored semen from Itz Reigning Gems on Mardhia, and produced Kobi.
Jagga proved herself to be a natural mother; tolerant, gentle and caring.
Earned the nickname JD after John Deere tractors since he was always like a tank or tractor -ploughing through the other pups to get to the food!
JD is tall and solid! He didn't stop growing until after he turned three! Despite this, he managed to impress the judges and earn his Australian Championship. After siring a number of litters, he retired to live the dream with his family.

"Wise Guy"
A big black boy, Wise Guy did well in the show ring and went some way to his Australian Title before his owners retired from showing. He is sire to many offspring and they carry the size and substance he inherited from his parents, Remy and Samsen - both solid dogs.